Friday, August 6, 2010

"Toys We Are Not; Just Awesome Figures..!!"

Hobbies are made, not born. Or so one might think..

After almost 20 or more years of indulging myself in these plastic/die-cast form of mechanical beings, I am proud to declare that this hobby of mine would remain as it is for a much, much longer time. Heck, it might even be forever.. Anyway, this conclusion follows a series of mind & soul searching that I took while juggling life in both carefree & serious manner.

Of course, as a maturing adult, the idea of brushing aside ideas of collecting (and occasional playing) of robotic figures had rised for quite a number of times. There were times when I had to sell off a few of my precious "gems" to compensate an apparent dwindling of cash flow; and there was also that awkward paranoia of not fitting in the "adult" society for just having a hobby associated to a child's gizmo.

There was a time when I did contemplate in abandoning my long-time hobby to make way for an ideal 'adulthood'. To summarize, 2 main points were discussed on why I thought I should stop collecting these figures:

1) It's all about ca$h - the money spent could have been used for a better, for example, dine at that nice eatery. or buy some really cool-looking shirts
2) It's all about people's perception - to conform with society's idea of adulthood whatsoever.

But, for whatever reason I can think of to nullify this hobby of mine, it doesn't to change one thing: that I just LOVE robotic figures. With that in mind, I decided to list 5 reasons why I should just continue with this hobby of mine:

1) It's a HOBBY - Somehow, a few years down the lane, I would have that great sense of achievement and said "Yeah,that was my hobby". Heck, at least it's better than not having one.

To enjoy gazing at the wonders of these mechanical designs & somehow wish that I had the talents of the creators of these astounding masterpieces; that is pretty much how the sensation feels like. It's just like a bloody rich man having countless cars in his possession yet rarely drives them; savouring & appreciating their ingenuous design.

2) It's a hobby I can RELATE to, pretty much RELEVANT and in a sense, AFFORDABLE - I could have developed other hobbies, but they don't seem to have that same level passion or economical means.

For instance, I love photography, but I don't like the price tag of one decent SLR. Yes, I could have collected enough money for one, but I may not have the burning desire to capture pictures like a pro. Taking simple yet meaningful photos may just be my cup of tea.

As for sports..I don't consider them as forms of hobby, because it is really a different set of category. If sports is to be classified as a hobby, then I have to say that it has to be SPORTS that I love most. I love futsal, love soccer, love tennis. Love badminton. Love table tennis. However, in my opinion, and one that I would like to stress here is, hobby is something of a passive form, while sports is active in nature.

3) It gets my BRAIN working (seriously!) - It's like I read it somewhere; that fiddling objects with your hands while having your entire focus on it, actually spurs those fine motor skills which resides in your grey matter, and those focusing would be really helpful in developing better concentration. Can somebody share their opinion on this? Anyway, this is a good reason for retaining my hobby, that's for sure (that's right, you geek!)

4) The safest form of hobby, frankly - Look, try and ask other adult males (particularly the rowdy ones) about their hobby, and I'm sure you will find the wildest of answers, if not the most honest. While bachelors may carry out their routine of scouting their female counterparts all the way across the town, married men might just do the same thing. This is a staggering truth, yet not far fetched. Let's not discuss on this topic further, for it might yield horrible response from housewives..

5) A hobby meant to be shared with - This may sound lame, but still, this hobby could find its way to the hearts of others. My son, my other "geeky" friends, whoever it may be. As the joy of something significant is shared, the excitement it reeks out would eventually spread as well. Being very physical in nature, this hobby can be picked up by almost anybody.

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